How to tame Card based user interfaces
A collection of resource to make less mistakes while building Card based UIs

Shivek Khurana
Sep 11, 2021

Photo by Patrik Velich on Unsplash
Cards UI are the notoriously flexible building blocks of every modern application. Their forgiving nature allows us to go wrong and make some mistakes that could have been avoided.
I didn't realise it until I made those mistakes and referred to Google for ideas. Here's my goto list of resources:
- Simple Design Tips for Crafting Better UI Cards by Nick Babich
- Ultimate guide for designing UI cards by Vikalp Kaushik
- Card UI design: fundamentals and examples by JUSTINMIND Team
- Successful card design in 3 steps: UX, UI, and Framework by Brenna Grey Mickey
- 8 rules for a perfect card design by Dorjan Vulaj
- Applying a Card-Based Design to User Interfaces: Best Practices by RubyGarage Team
Hope you find it useful !